
This is the place for friends to talk about books, movies, music, food, and everything fun!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fashion Week is Here!

Dear Readers,

This is the middle of New York Fashion Week, when designers are showing off their Fall and Winter 2014 collections. I've sent my blog intern Dizzie out in the field to find out what we'll be seeing on the store racks next winter.

Lilly Faye: Welcome, Diz.

Dizzie: Bonjour!

Lilly Faye: Oh, dear DAWG! What happened to you, Diz? You look like a French Poodle!

Dizzie: Oui. There was a small miscommunication with my groomer. I told her I would be reporting on Fashion Week, and asked her to spiff me up a bit. I guess she thought "Fashion" equalled "French."

Lilly Faye: Well, you do look high fashion.

Dizzie: Merci.

Lilly Faye: So let's get to it. What new trends are you seeing on the New York runways this week?

Dizzie: Lace. Plenty of fur, and leopard prints. A lot of red dresses, and plaids of all kinds.

Lilly Faye: Check, check, and check. From all appearances, the designers have been turning to fashion forward bloggers like myself for inspiration!

Dizzie: Looks like it.

Lilly Faye: Thanks for your report, Diz. Before you go, a word of advice. Do something about that haircut before we start blogging the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. I can't send you to cover the Portuguese Water Dog Breed competition on Tuesday looking like a French Poodle.

Dizzie: Will do, Boss.

That's it for now, folks. Don't forget, the 138th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is taking place Monday and Tuesday, the 10th and 11th. Check your local listings.

Lilly Faye

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